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  • 中国标准连:ISSN1005-2895
  • 续出版物号: CN 33-1180/TH
  • 主管单位:轻工业杭州机电设计研究院有限公司
  • 主办单位:轻工业杭州机电设计研究院有限公司、中国轻工机械协会、中国轻工业机械总公司
  • 社  长:刘安江
  • 主  编:黄丽珍
  • 地  址:杭州市余杭区高教路970号西溪联合科技广场4-711
  • 电子邮件:qgjxzz@126.com
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Food Texture Bionic Detection System of Achieving the Function of Humans Taste Prediction
DOI:I0. 3969/j . issn. 1005 -2895. 2015. 04. 002
中文关键词:  食品物性  口感预测  数学建模  仿生检测
英文关键词:food texture  taste forecast  mathematical modeling  bionic detection
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目:面向食品材料物性检测与评价的仿生咀嚼机器人研究( 51375209)
马德军,王加森,卢慧,俞经虎 1.江南大学机械工程学院江苏无锡214122: 2.江苏省食品先进制造装备技术重点实验室江苏无锡214122 
摘要点击次数: 1387
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      针对目前在使用质构仪进行食品物性检测时,存在的检测数据准确性较差,操作系统功能单一,测试结果与口感 评价间无关联性分析等缺点,提出了基于六自由度并联机器人的口感预测型仿生检测系统。设计了仿生咀嚼检测平台; 利用数理统计原理和最小二乘法建立了物性检测数据与口感评价之间的数学模型,实现了仿生检测系统的口感预测功 能。实验结果表明,利用数学模型获得的口感预测值与人口感评价结果之间的误差小于9%,满足实际应用的需要,验 证了口感预测数学模型构建的正确性及口感预测功能的可行性。
      When using an existing texture analyzer to detect physical properties of food.there are some drawbacks.such as, poor accuracy of detection data, single function of operating system. lack of correlation analysis between test results and texture evaluation. For these shortcomings, this paper presented a bionic detection system with taste prediction capabilities. and the bionic chew detection platform was designed. A mathematical model was established between food texture test data and taste evaluation using mathematical statistics principle and the least squares method to achieve taste prediction function of bionic detection system. Experiments show the deviation between the result of taste prediction and the value of person's sensory evaluation is less than 9% . it is acceptable in prcatice. The results demonstrate the rationality of method to build the equation and the feasibility to achieve the function of predicting person's taste to food.
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