王芳,郑新.模切机传纸机构驱动凸轮参数化设计[J].轻工机械,2011,29(1): |
模切机传纸机构驱动凸轮参数化设计 |
Parameterized Design and Study for Cams of Sheet-transfer Mechanism on Die Cutting Machines |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 印刷机械 印后加工 参数化 MATLAB软件 驱动凸轮 |
英文关键词:printing machinery post-press finishing parameterized MATLAB software driving cam |
基金项目: |
王芳 郑新 |
西安工业大学机电工程学院;中山火炬职业技术学院包装印刷系; |
摘要点击次数: 2158 |
全文下载次数: 174 |
中文摘要: |
运用MATLAB强大的可视化编程功能,针对模切机传纸机构中的关键零件—凸轮进行了参数化设计计算,得到了驱动递纸牙按照规定的轨迹运动的2个凸轮轮廓轨迹曲线,并检验了凸轮压力角,以验证传纸机构的合理性。当需要进行机构的某方面调整时,可以利用修改凸轮个别参数从而非常方便的进行更新,大大提高了机构设计的调整适应性,提高了快速设计产品的进程。 |
英文摘要: |
Using MATLAB powerful visual programmabl function,the paper has put up parameterized design to main parts of innovative sheet-transfer mechanism on die cutting machines,and got two cam contour track curves that driving sheet-transfer mechanism to move at set track,and tested cam pressure angle to validate its rationality of sheet-transferconstruction.It can renewal via modification some parameters when mechanism need adjust some ways,which improve adjustability on mechanism design and course of product desi... |
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