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  • 中国标准连:ISSN1005-2895
  • 续出版物号: CN 33-1180/TH
  • 主管单位:轻工业杭州机电设计研究院有限公司
  • 主办单位:轻工业杭州机电设计研究院有限公司、中国轻工机械协会、中国轻工业机械总公司
  • 社  长:刘安江
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杨忠泮, 徐勇, 靳岚, 谢黎明, 梁小玲.FOCKE硬盒包装机烟组推耳静动态特性对比研究[J].轻工机械,2019,37(4):88-93
Comparative Study of Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Cigarettes Pushing Lugs for FOCKE Packer
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005 2895.2019.04.017
中文关键词:  烟草机械  FOCKE包装机  烟组推耳  有限元分析  静动态特性  比刚度效能
英文关键词:tobacco machinery  FOCKE packer  cigarettes pushing lug  FEA(Finite Element Analysis)  static and dynamic characteristics  specific stiffness structural efficiency
杨忠泮, 徐勇, 靳岚, 谢黎明, 梁小玲 甘肃烟草工业有限责任公司 兰州卷烟厂 甘肃 兰州730050 
摘要点击次数: 1073
全文下载次数: 1032
      为探究FOCKE硬盒包装机烟组输送元件烟组推耳的结构优劣性,在分析烟组推耳的结构布局及特征的基础上,课题组建立了FOCKE 701推耳、FOCKE FC800推耳和FOCKE SSB推耳的三维模型。通过分析烟组推耳在额定速度工况下的工作载荷与约束条件,利用ANSYS Workbench 对3种结构的烟组推耳进行了静力学及模态分析,获得了3种烟组推耳的仿真试验最大位移量及修正计算最大位移量、最大应力值及位置以及前6阶固有频率及振型,并分别计算静、动态比刚度效能。其结果表明:当竖直筋上部连接处采用半径大于9 mm的圆角,下部连接处宽度与固定端等宽时,可以有效减小应力集中;SSB推耳的静态比刚度效能为96.5,分别比701与FC800高30倍和39倍;3种推耳的前6阶振型基本相同,其中SSB推耳动态比刚度效能为14.9,分别比701与FC800高68.6%和68.9%;SSB烟组推耳是最优支撑结构。文中研究能为卷烟直包机的烟组推耳设计提供有价值参考。
      In order to get the relative merits among three kinds of cigarettes pushing lugs in FOCKE Packer, based on the introduction of structure characteristics and layout of cigarettes pushing lug. Research projects′ group built the 3D model of cigarettes pushing lugs for FOCKE 701, FOCKE FC800 and FOCKE SSB. Through analyzing cigarettes pushing lug′s working load and constraint conditions under the condition of rated speeds, finite element software ANSYS Workbench was used to simulate the static analysis and modal analysis of them. The results of simulating calculation maximum displacement and correcting calculation maximum displacement, the maximum equivalent stress value and position, the first six natural frequencies and modes for three kinds of cigarettes pushing lugs were obtained. [JP2]Secondly the static and dynamic specific stiffness structural efficiency(SSSE) were calculated separately.The results show that in the position of upper vertical reinforcement joint adopts radian rounded corned of 9 mm, and in the position of lower vertical reinforcement joint adopts the design of equal width with fixed end, these methods can effectively decrease the stress concentration. The value of SSB cigarettes pushing lug′s static SSSE is 96.5, which has a 30 times higher value of 701′s static SSSE, and it also has a 39 times value of FC800′s static SSSE. The three cigarettes pushing lugs have same first six natural modes basically, including value of SSB cigarettes pushing lug′s dynamic SSSE is 14.9, it has a 68.6% higher value of 701′s dynamic SSSE,and it also has a 68.9% higher value of FC800′s dynamic SSSE. SSB cigarettes pushing lug is optimal support structure. This research has some theoretical guiding significance for the design of FOCKE packer.
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