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  • 中国标准连:ISSN1005-2895
  • 续出版物号: CN 33-1180/TH
  • 主管单位:轻工业杭州机电设计研究院有限公司
  • 主办单位:轻工业杭州机电设计研究院有限公司、中国轻工机械协会、中国轻工业机械总公司
  • 社  长:刘安江
  • 主  编:黄丽珍
  • 地  址:杭州市余杭区高教路970号西溪联合科技广场4-711
  • 电子邮件:qgjxzz@126.com
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孙寒晴, 苏林, 张辛辛, 李康, 方奕栋.电动空调涡旋压缩机型线优化[J].轻工机械,2020,38(2):84-89
Optimization Analysis of Scroll Compressor Profile for Electric Air Conditioning
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005 2895.2020.02.015
中文关键词:  空调热泵  涡旋压缩机  型线优化  排气温度  欠压缩
英文关键词:air conditioning heat pump  scroll compressor  profile optimization  discharge temperature  under compression
孙寒晴, 苏林, 张辛辛, 李康, 方奕栋 上海理工大学 能源与动力工程学院 上海200093 
摘要点击次数: 872
全文下载次数: 1423
      In order to solve the problems of under compression and high discharge temperature of the scroll compressor used in new energy vehicle air conditioning under the heat pump conditions, the profile and geometric structure of the scroll compressor applied to new energy vehicles were analyzed and the scroll profile was optimized to improve the working characteristics of the scroll compressor under heat pump conditions. The scroll compressor profile was optimized under the same geometric displacement, and the system performance of the two scroll compressors before and after improvement were compared by theoretical calculation under different heat pump conditions. The results show that the optimized scroll compressor can improve the under compression of the heat pump and reduce the discharge temperature by 10% to 25%. The heating coefficient of system performance increases by 15% through reducing the power consumption and increasing the heat capacity. The optimization method achieves the purpose of energy saving.
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